Would you like to create quality backlinks for your website? If so, you are in the right spot to understand and follow the link building tactics. Read on to find out what link building is all about, why it matters, how to build different types of links, and which link building tactics can help you work more effectively.

Link building: What is it?

Link building is the process of gaining authoritative backlinks from other websites to your own. In order to ensure that your web pages appear higher in search results for pertinent terms, you must convince Google that your website is a reliable source of information.

Why is link building so crucial?

You’ve probably heard that backlinks provide advantages for SEO. The authority and credibility of your web pages are assessed by Google using them as one of the ranking factors. Google is informed that your page has useful information and that your website is reliable if reputable websites link to your resource. Your website will be able to rank better on Google and receive more organic traffic if there are more high-quality links pointing to it. 

Is the page that links to your website highly regarded?

It will give your website’s page more authority (PageRank) and boost your search engine ranks. With the aid of tools like Ahrefs and Semrush, you can quickly determine the page authority of any URL. Similar to this, the referring source’s overall domain authority has an impact on the link’s quality.

  • Relevance of the Referring Website

Relevance is another aspect that matters in terms of link quality. Gaining links from reputable websites that are closely relevant to your website and niche is the key to creating high-quality backlinks.

  • Link Position

The positioning of a backlink on the page is another aspect that affects its quality. Contextual links that are incorporated in the body of a page’s content are more valuable than links in footers and sidebars. As a result, you should try to get in-context links from a website’s or blog post’s primary body.

  • Anchor Text

The word or phrase where your link is placed is known as the “anchor text“. Google analyses the anchor text to determine the topic of the linked page. This means that the anchor text for your website should be appropriate for the page’s content. However, employing keyword-rich or exact match anchor text is regarded as spam. The words and phrases around your link should be pertinent to the subject of your page, just as the anchor text.

  • Links: Nofollow vs. Dofollow

Websites can advise Google not to pass any PageRank to links by adding a “nofollow” property (rel=”nofollow”). Since they give your website validity and authority, dofollow links are clearly more important than nofollow links. The following are some additional frequently used link properties:

  1. Rel=” sponsored”: This indicates that the link was paid and shouldn’t be passing any PageRank.
  2. Rel=”UGC”: This indicates that the link was created using user-generated content, which includes forum posts and comments.

What are the Best Link Building Tactics which are to be followed?

What are the Best Link Building Tactics which are to be followed?

1. Produce Shareable Content

It goes without saying that producing outstanding, shareable content is essential for obtaining high-quality backlinks. You must provide “link-worthy” content if you want bloggers, publishers, and other brands to link back to your website.

2. Make Use of Guest Posting

One of the most widely used link building tactics is guest posting. However, the ideal strategy for guest posting has evolved. You must be smart and genuine in your approach if you want to benefit from guest blogging for SEO. It is no longer possible to create a blog post for an unrelated website in the hopes of obtaining a backlink and raising your search engine rankings. If you want to enhance organic search and referral traffic, get more high-quality backlinks, improve search ranks, and increase qualified leads.

  • Websites for guest posting should be carefully chosen. Strong domain authority and relevance to your topic should be present.
  • Choose subjects that are pertinent to your audience, that hasn’t already been covered, and are associated with your area of expertise.
  • Create something original that can inspire others to improve. Share your personal stories and tried-and-true techniques.
  • Include a link to your resource to make the topic more valuable. Put less emphasis on link building. Ensure that you deliver value.

3. Submit to directories

Your link building tactics should also include online directories. To build links ethically, just submit to relevant and targeted online directories. Nowadays, you most likely use search engines to locate a nearby company when looking for a product or service. Because of this, listing your company in high-authority directories will help you build backlinks, expand your reach in search, and enhance your rankings.

Here are some pointers to keep in mind as you register your company with web directories:

  • Select directories that are appropriate for your industry and intended audience.
  • Take into account submitting your company to directories with high domain authority.
  • Make a descriptive listing by utilizing all the elements of the directory submission system. 
  • While some directories merely request NAP (name, address, and phone number) information. When providing information about your company to directories, be consistent. 

4. Email bloggers and publishers to create links

If you want to obtain high-quality white-hat links from leading publications, you must use link-building email outreach techniques. In order to do this, you need to seek chances to identify individuals or sources that are likely to connect to you. The simplest approach to achieve this is to use Google to conduct a search for your chosen keyword. When you have located your link-building prospects, find their email address and send them a personalized message.

5. Add a relevant blog post comment

Start leaving comments on other blog entries on relevant websites as an efficient link building tactics. While you’re doing it to create links, your attention should be on developing a rapport with the post’s author by leaving a thoughtful comment. You can:

  • Make the author’s day by thanking them.
  • Share a resource that could help the post gain more readers by providing a thought-provoking insight.
  • Ask a question or express your thoughts on a topic the author brought up in their post to start a discussion.

6. Request the addition of your links to resource pages

Finding resource pages to include your content can be a useful next link-building tactic on this list. Resource pages are websites with links to fantastic articles on a particular subject. Their goal is to establish themselves as a leading authority on a subject. A resource page is referred to as a “pillar page” because it has numerous useful links and is optimized for a variety of relevant keywords.

7. Recover Broken and Lost Links

Links can become lost or damaged over time for a number of causes. One of the most well-liked link building tactics is the creation of broken links. Because you’re truly assisting someone by fixing the broken links on their web pages rather than asking for links. You ought to put as much effort into recovering your own damaged and lost links. If not, your rivals will use them against you.

8. Convert Brand Mentions Without Links Into Backlinks

Your brand may or may not be linked-to to a post. However, you can gently prod them to create backlinks from your brand references that aren’t currently connected. To keep track of who is mentioning your business online, utilize Google Alerts, BuzzSumo, and Brand24. Use the chance to establish connections and acquire fresh links presented by brand mentions.

9. Participate in Podcast Interviews

You can also write a topic outline, discuss it with the podcast presenter, and presto! They’ll also provide you with a backlink. Because you can listen to podcasts on the go and learn new things, they are becoming extremely popular these days.

10. Recover Links by Using Reverse Image Searches

There is a probability to find URLs that are referencing your image or graphic, you can use Google Images’ reverse image search feature. Simply contact them via email and request to provide a link to your original resource if they haven’t already done. 

11. Utilize Q&A platforms

You can increase links to your website by using Q&A sites like Quora and Reddit. Additionally, they might aid in diversifying your link profile. Engage with the pertinent community members and their inquiries, and make sure to add value to your responses. Remember that sharing pertinent content to the user’s query rather than simply adding links everywhere is the key to constructing high-quality links. 

12. Use social media regularly

Your link-building approach can benefit greatly from the integration of social media platforms. By being active on social media, you may increase engagement and make it more likely that others will find your material and share it with their intended audience. It takes more than just regularly posting new content to be active on social media. Additionally, you ought to communicate with viewers of your articles and Stories by answering any queries or comments on a regular basis.

13. Align Your Digital Public Relations and Link Building Strategies

Combining your online PR approach with your link-building strategy is the greatest way to build high-quality links. Press releases, journalistic articles, and other media publications can assist you in gaining a number of high-authority connections. The secret is to get in touch with journalists and well-known bloggers in your niche so they can cover your story and promote your products and services.

What Kind of Backlinks Should You Steer Clear to Avoid Punishments?

Black hat link building is a simple option, but it carries a substantial amount of danger. If Google finds out that you’re using spammy link-building tactics, you’ll be subject to severe penalties. If you wish to avoid Google penalties, avoid the following at all costs:

  • Excessive link exchanges
  • Paid links
  • Exact match anchor text
  • Keyword-rich anchor text
  • Blog comment spamming for link building
  • Private blog network (PBN) for link building
  • Low-quality link directories
  • Links from hacked websites
  • Links built using automated services
  • Too many sidebar links

You should constantly adhere to Google Webmaster standards and maintain a clean link profile to prevent Google penalties. Additionally, you ought to occasionally think about disavowing harmful links through Google Search Console.

How Can Your Link Building Campaign ROI Be Measured?

You must be aware of the significance of link building and how to get high-quality backlinks for your website. However, few marketers are aware of how to determine whether the link building tactics they are employing are worthwhile. You should measure your link-building campaign ROI in order to assess the success of your link development campaign. Here are some guidelines to assist you to monitor and assessing the return on investment of your link-building strategies:

  • Analyze your backlinks.
  • Keep track of the number of social shares and brand mentions you receive.
  • Follow the referral traffic.
  • Keep track of changes in organic traffic and search rankings over time.

Final thoughts

Link building not only increases your organic search traffic and ranks but also increases the visibility of your business. However, putting the link-building techniques into practice requires a lot of work and can be time-consuming.

Contact our experts at info@instiqa.com if you require any guidance or have any questions.