What Is a Title Tag?

Title tags are the first thing search engines and users see when they visit a webpage. They not only convey the topic of the page but also influence its ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). Title Tags for SEO, or <title> tags, are HTML components that provide a webpage title to search engines and internet browsers. These tags influence how a webpage appears in search engine results and link previews.


How to Write Title Tags for SEO

Understanding Title Tags

Title tags, often called meta titles, are HTML elements that specify the title of a web page. They provide brief summaries of a page’s content and display them as clickable headlines in search engine results pages. A title tag, present in the <head> portion of an HTML document, is essential for SEO and user experience.

Why Title Tags are Important for SEO

Title tags have a significant impact on search engine rankings. They provide search engines with useful information about a page’s content, letting them determine its relevance to user searches. Furthermore, well-written title tags can significantly enhance click-through rates (CTR), encouraging users to choose your link over competitors’.

Best Practices for Writing Title Tags

Keyword Placement and relevancy: Use target keywords naturally in your title tags to ensure relevancy to page content and user intent.
Optimal Length and Format: To ensure good visibility in SERPs, aim for title tags of 50-60 characters. Use a clear and short format that accurately describes the page’s content.
Avoid Keyword forcing: While keywords are important, adding title tags with too many keywords might appear spammy and hinder your SEO efforts.

How to Optimize Title Tags for Better SEO

Optimizing title tags involves strategic planning and continuous refinement to maximize their effectiveness in SEO.

Targeting the best keyword:

While title tags are not as important as other ranking factors, it is nonetheless recommended that you include your goal term in your title tag. However, before going, you should pause to confirm that you are targeting the most appropriate term keyword for your content.

Optimise Title Tag Length:

While there is no specific character limit for title tags, you should consider the pixel width. If it is too long, Google may shorten it on the search engine results page (SERP). Furthermore, it is preferable to avoid entering your title in all capital characters. Uppercase letters not only take up extra space but may also result in your title getting cut off. Furthermore, they can be harder to read.

Make Every Title Tag Unique

Having unique titles for each page on your website helps search engines understand what each page is about. This can encourage users to click on your page when they see it in search results because the title accurately reflects the content they’re looking for.

Find ‘secondary’ keywords to add

People use diverse terms and phrases when searching for information online. By integrating commonly used terms into your title tags in a natural manner, you can appeal to a broader audience and increase the likelihood of your content being discovered through various search keywords.

Make your title more clickable (ABC formula)

Driving traffic requires more clicks, thus creating an engaging title tag is important. While there is no uniform method, the ABC approach provides a good beginning point. However, it is essential not to choose elements randomly. Taking inspiration from the current top-ranked results can provide useful information about searchers’ priorities.

Make Your Title Tag Similar to Your H1 Tag

The H1 tag, also known as the heading one tag, should feature the primary title that appears prominently on the page. It’s crucial for the title tag and H1 tag to align closely, as they both serve as page titles. This alignment enhances Google’s confidence in understanding your page’s topic and prevents confusion for users.


SEO goes beyond just achieving high rankings; it’s equally about encouraging searchers to click on your page in search results. Hence, creating attractive title tags is important for attracting clicks. However, title tags are just a single component of on-page SEO. Explore our SEO Services to discover how you can effectively optimize your page for search engines every time.